Full Series Launched!

Kickstarter: startupland: a documentary series
Full Series Launched!

Almost exactly two years ago, Jonathon Perrelli turned to me and uttered the phrase, “Wouldn’t it be cool if there were a reality show inside of an accelerator?”

I promptly responded, “Nope, but an authentic documentary would be.” He wholeheartedly agreed, and our journey began. Over the next two years, the scope and even the format shifted and changed, but we never lost sight of our purposes and mission….to tell an authentic story of entrepreneurship that would inspire and educate globally.

Over the past few months, startupland has been screened in over 60 cities around the world including Dubai, Bangalore, Kigali and many more! You can see a more complete list here. 

Today, the entire series becomes available to stream and download worldwide. Our team continues to pour everything we have into bringing this idea to life. 

Here's how you can help be a part of this exciting moment in startupland:

1. Watch startupland here: vhx.startupland.tv 

 2. Schedule a screening in your community: Contact us to find out how. 

 3. Review the series: If you have already watched, feel free to give us 10 stars on IMDB!

 4. Learn about the curriculum: An original curriculum for universities is being developed to accompany the series. Contact us to learn more about it. 

 5. Spread the word! Click this link to tweet about the series and click this link to share on Facebook

We thank your for your support, and hope you enjoy watching this series.


Justin Gutwein - Director & Co-Creator

Jonathon Perrelli - Executive Producer & Co-Creator

Maxim Wheatley - Associate Producer


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